Except for today…
Normally, her dreams occur in the middle of the night. Somewhere around 3 am seems to be the sweet – or not so sweet – spot. At that hour of the morning, I am usually focused on getting her back to sleep – in her own bed – rather than discussing what the dream was about and risking further upset. But this morning, her bad dream just so happened to be when it was time to get up for school anyway. When I asked her what was wrong, why she was crying, I nearly died at the answer.
Any time your child is upset, you want nothing more than to make it all better. When it comes to bad dreams, as a parent you want to find the source and fix the problem. Was it something she saw, something we read in a book, or God forbid, something happened that you didn’t know about? Nope, not with my child. No, my child has to have nightmares of much deeper rooted problems…
Yes, you read that correctly. Play-Doh! I am going to be paying for therapy in ten years because we don’t own Play-Doh. Hand to Heaven, honest to God, my child woke up crying because we don’t have Play-Doh. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried!
Do you know how hard it is to not laugh at your child when they are hysterical that you don’t own Play-Doh? Impossibly Hard!!! Here I am expecting monsters and bad guys and she’s dreaming about Play-Doh…or the lack there of.
Only in a Diva world!