A Little “B&E” To Start Your Day

It’s been one of those weeks…maybe months. You know, the kind of week where you boiling dinner all over the stove, or the grill runs out of gas just before the chicken is done. I’m not even sure how that happens in the same night. Talent.

Yesterday, before leaving work, I jokingly made the statement that we should not come in until noon today. It almost happened. If there is one thing I am consistently good at, it’s being late. This morning was no exception. I wasn’t really going to be on time as it were, but a little misunderstand of my husband’s departing words didn’t make matters any better.

See, what I heard, as he walked out the door was, “Hey, I’m starting your car.”

Sweet, right? Yeah, it would have been, except apparently what he really said was, “Hey, don’t forget to start your car.”

The only problem with this misunderstanding is that fact that I was now on the outside of my house, and my keys were not in the ignition, but more so on the counter. Staring. Laughing. Patronizing me, as I stood in the cold. Locked. Out.

Now, the great thing about my living situation is that I have a lovely neighbor, who I assume is somewhere around 87, who has a key to my house…except I am pretty sure she has a significantly better night life than me and doesn’t seem to rise early like every other elderly person I know. I swear, I thought they all got up at 5 am. Apparently, not my neighbor.

I rang the bell. I knocked. I jumped up and down to spy in her garage (she was in fact home). But she was either asleep, or ignoring the lunatic outside her house. So, this is the part of the story where you call someone to rescue you…right? Did I mention my cell phone was on the dining room table, also mocking me for being such an idiot? Of course, the other small problem with cell phones – aside from it being on my dining room table – is they tend to remember numbers for you. In fact, there are only four people on this planet I could call without my cell phone – one of those is 7 hours away.

Fortunately, before I walked all the way to the store to call for help, I remembered opening one of my kitchen windows the other night, and was pretty sure I hadn’t locked it back. An unusual occurrence since I usually lock everything up tighter than the US Mint, but this time it paid off.

So kids, the moral of the story…don’t assume your husband is nice enough to warm your car for you, on a chilly fall morning! *wink *wink

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