I’m a lot of things…
1) I’m confident. Not in that overly annoying cocky way, but just a healthy dose of self-esteem.
2) I’m strong…minded anyway. Exercise and I don’t run in the same circles, so strong-minded is all I got. I gave up wasting money on gym memberships years ago.
3) I’m stable; well mostly, just don’t ask the hubster (we agree to disagree on this topic).
4) I believe in seeing the best in life. Making the most of whatever hand I am dealt.
…834) I believe that the right doors open exactly when we need them to.
All those wonderful things people say that make you want to barf when you’re having a crappy day.
But some days…I’m just a hormonal pregnant human.
And so today, I am eating Fudge Stripes Minis out of the vending machine in the break room. No, they don’t erase the fact that three years and thirty pounds of Diva Princess can make me feel like a total failure as a parent some days, but after a 2 am fight with the terrible three’s over sleeping arrangements and apple juice, they sure satisfy the need to eat…at least for ten minutes.
Tomorrow I will find my inner Gandhi, but for today…I’m sticking with the Keebler Elves!