Whether you are a fan of the series, or not, you can’t escape the Fifty Shades of Mania surrounding the upcoming release of the infamous Christian Grey. And what better marketing than to release “the year’s biggest love story,” (Amazon) book adaptation on Valentine’s Day? Quite frankly, E.L. James is one lucky little Brit.
But, aside from the normal movie hype and marketing, the Fifty Shades trademark seems to be seducing its way into mainstream marketing in just about every avenue. We all expected adult superstores like Adam and Eve to dominate the trademark, but it seems this phenomenon has roped in more than just the adult toy industry. Based on the “50 Shades of Grey” article by Business Insider, everyone from widely known Brooks Brother’s Menswear to local hometown Pendell Hardware in Pendell, PA are stocking up on your submissive needs. In the months leading up to the climatic release of one steamy Mr. Grey, sales from grey ties to rope have increased for these retailers. Even Audi has had its 16th record month of sales with its submissive special the Audi A3 (the car Grey gives to Ana Steele).
But if you can’t afford to run out to your local Audi dealer to buy your love that shiny new red A3 this Valentine’s Day, don’t fret. Below I have prepared a list (links) of all your “50 Shades of Fun” needs to make this February 14th one for the books…
1) Start your seduction right with this very special “Grey Bear” from everyone’s favorite Valentine’s Bear maker, Vermont Teddy Bear.
2) Getting that last minute Valentine’s Day card??? Don’t forget to check out these Target teasers on the isle caps.
3) Ladies, don’t be captured out on Valentine’s Night without the perfect set of 50 Shades of Nails, brought to you by Opi at Macy’s.
4) And nothing says Red Room of Pain like these sweet aromas from Target.
5) Every woman knows Christian Grey’s contract comes with some very serious rules…one of which is eating to keep up your energy is a must. Not to worry, Dominos (unaired commercial) has your covered.
6) Want to treat your special lady to a night of luxury but can’t afford an apartment at the Escala (base model starting at $400k)? Then spice things up with this San Fran area hotel special.
7) Breaking any of the Grey rules is punishable, but don’t worry Trojan has you covered.
8) And if you’re feeling a little unsure – we all know it took sweet Ana a minute to come to terms with her contract – you can always attend this sermon at a Virginia church for a little guidance.
As the powerful business man he is, its looks like Christian Grey has finally whipped Hallmark out of its #1 spot when it comes to this retail holiday.