Last night, as I suffered through the daunting task of drying my hair yet again, I couldn’t help but think this is where we went wrong. So wrong! Just think with me here for a minute…
What if it was socially acceptable for women to shave their heads?
I know, you think I am crazy. Why would you ever want to shave your beautiful hair that you spend a fortune on? But isn’t that the irony? Women spend endless amounts time, money, energy, and way too much effort on our hair…and we still hate it. Still complain about it. Sure, every now and again you have the perfect hair day. The volume is just right. Every piece in perfect order. No static to be seen…then you walk outside and hit a wall of humidity. And all that hard work just went right out the door. Going to the beach? You might as well forget about it.
But what if hundreds, even thousands, of years ago women had been a tiny bit brighter? What if they had shaved that messy mane and rocked the baldness?
Our society’s idea of a woman’s beauty has so often been wrapped up in our hair. We color it to “have more fun”, we cut it in styles that hide the unpleasant shapes of our face, or we grow it long to satisfy the desire of many men. Even someone such as myself, someone who on most days could give about two-cents how people view me, still battles with this concept. As much as I would love to shave my head – well buzz it once a month, let’s not get too crazy with the shaving it everyday idea – I could never do it. Why? Because society has set a standard. Personally, I’m blaming Cleopatra for her gorgeous, sleek black hair. Maybe if she had shaved her head it would have started a revolution?
And then there’s the issue of “not” wanting to shave…
Most days – okay, I’m married, so the one day every few weeks when I decide to shave my legs – I want to strangle the woman who decided shaving her legs and underarms was fashionably cool. I mean really, come on? You couldn’t shave your head, but shaving your legs and underarms seemed like a genius idea? You couldn’t just let it go, could you? Nope, you had to go and be vain, and now I’m stuck living up to marital standards of shaving my legs at least twice a month! BS, I say, BS!
I often wonder how many hoursI have wasted doing my hair and makeup. When it is just right I love that I did it, but like you I just wish I could run out the door and do nothing to “enhance” myself. The truly ironic thing is I am sitting in a chair at the salon getting ready to cover my gray.
I love good irony!