For me there are many snippets in time I often reflect back on; the flat top arcade game at the local Pizza Hut, riding the liquor cart in the warehouse of the liquor store where my dad worked (when you grow up as the liquor “store baby” it makes it pretty impossible to buy liquor underage), and the way my dad never took the same roads to my grandmother’s house, he always switched his route. Just everyday moments that are forever etched in our minds.
If you have followed my blog very long, or just happen to know me, you know that I am a fanatic when it comes to my weekly grocery store run. I make a menu for the week, type up my list of everything I need in Evernote and off to the store I go. Or “we go” I should say, because most Sundays it’s a family affair. But regardless, any time the Diva Princess is with me, I know that we will be making a pit stop by the lobster tank. Every time, I hold her up and we check out the weeks selection of crustaceans. She asks roughly 8 million questions, usually the same ones as the week before.
“What are they doing in there?”
“Why do they have those rubber bands on their snappers?”
“Is he crawling on the other?”
I patiently wade through the sea of questions, enjoying our little moment we share each week while secretly hoping she’ll still remember this time when she’s older. But this week, while driving home, I found myself asking The Hubster questions about the lobsters. I had never thought about it until that moment, but how exactly does one buy a lobster? Because let me tell you, the vision I have is much the same as the kid leaving the carnival.
You know the carnival game where you spend way too much money trying to shot the BB gun, with the bent muzzle, trying to knock down a milk jugs. $15 later and all you have to show for yourself is the plastic bag with a goldfish you could have bought for $0.10 at the pet store. I don’t know how much a lobster cost, but I would gander it rivals the carnival goldfish.
But seriously, I kind of want to buy a lobster just to see what happens? I mean, is it a BYOT (tank, if you’re not following) or is the meat guy going to hand me a twisted up plastic bag with a lobster just hanging out (I hope it’s a thick mil bag, otherwise his little feet look like it would just puncture the bag)? Although I don’t eat seafood, I know that you are supposed to put them in the boiling water alive (which by the way, sounds terribly inhumane), so you have to get it home somehow, right?
I wonder what The Hubster would think if I come home with a pet lobster from the grocery store? It would, of course, be all in the name of solving the mystery as to how you buy a lobster. Not to mention, I’m sure the Diva Princess would always remember “that time we bought the lobster.”